10 Facts about hypertension

  1. Recent studies indicate that elevated blood pressure is linked to a higher risk for dementia, a reduction of cognitive function. Timing appears to issue: Some evidence suggests having uncontrolled high blood pressure through midlife (age 45 to 65) creates a higher risk for dementia later in life.The takeaway? It is never too early to begin thinking about your blood pressure and taking measures to two. Young people can have high blood pressure, too.
  2. High blood pressure doesn’t just happen to older adults. Approximately one in four men and almost one in five women age 35 to 44 has elevated blood pressure.
  3. High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke, a state that is on the rise among younger individuals. Experts think the increased danger of stroke among young adults is a direct effect of the rising rates of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes–conditions that are preventable and treatable. You can get your blood pressure checked at a physician’s office, a pharmacy, or in several grocery stores.
  4. High blood pressure usually does not have any symptoms. High blood pressure is sometimes called the”silent killer” Most people with high blood pressure don’t have any symptoms, such as sweating or headaches. Because many people feel fine, they don’t think that they will need to get their blood pressure checked. Even in the event that you feel normal, your wellbeing may be at risk. Speak with your physician about your risk for high blood pressure.
  5. Many people who have high blood pressure don’t know it. Approximately 11 million U.S. adults with hypertension are not even aware they have it and are not receiving therapy to control their blood pressure. Many individuals with uncontrolled blood pressure have medical insurance and visit a health care provider at least two times per year, however the condition remains undiagnosed, concealed from the physician and patient.
  6. High blood pressure can harm the mother’s kidneys and other organs, and it can lead to low birth weight and early delivery. Particular types of birth control may also raise a woman’s risk for elevated blood pressure. Women with hypertension who wish to become pregnant should use their healthcare team to lower their blood pressure before becoming pregnant.
  7. Hypertension is particularly prevalent in people who have diabetes, diabetes, or kidney disease.
  8. Hypertension is asymptomatic. It’s prevalent in people with a family history of elevated blood pressure.
  9. It’s prevalent in obese individuals and in heavy drinkers of alcohol and It is common in women that are taking oral contraceptives.
  10. Systolic blood pressure is particularly important as one develops older. It’s lowest as you sleep and rises when you get up.

Here are a few heart-healthy ways you can make an impact:

  1. Just a little weight loss can make a big difference. Dropping as few as 5 to 10 pounds can help reduce your blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Look at utilizing a weight-loss journal or downloading a program like MyFitnessPal to track your diet and exercise or, you can join a gym.
  2. Have a walk, every day. Walking just 15 to 30 minutes daily may bring your blood pressure down or help prevent high blood pressure in the first place.
  3. Several studies have shown that changing your diet can help decrease blood pressure. Reduce the total amount of sodium in your meals, and get started making fruits and vegetables a larger part of your everyday diet. Additionally, supplementing less healthful food choices for better choices can help. Favor whole grains such as quinoa or brown rice processed grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products within full-fat dairy, and nuts, poultry and fish as your primary protein resources over red meat.
  4. Reducing stress helps, also. While scientists continue to tease out the connection between stress and high blood pressure, we all do understand that anxiety may result in unhealthy habits like eating junk food and drinking a lot of alcohol or coffee. Whenever you’re feeling stressed, consider reaching for the yoga mat, then just take 5 minutes to meditate or attempt other stress-reducing activities.
  5. Speak to your doctor about supplements. However, more study is required to determine if natural supplements really do aid, and there is a chance they may interact with drugs you’re taking. Additionally, supplements are not generally covered under your wellbeing plan unless they’re prescribed, therefore it’s important to speak with your doctor about supplements as well as your coverage.
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